We’ve got this strange idea here at JIZHONG that simplicity ought to be the theme of everything we try to do. And there is nothing more complicated than figuring out who out there knows about you without you knowing about them, that is, until something from them shows up in your email or mailbox. So in an effort to keep your life simple we’ve adopted the following privacy policy:
*We’re not anonymous so we don’t want to deal with folks anonymously. Therefore, all the computer stuff related to site visitors (IP Address, Domain Name, time spent per page) is stuff we keep track of. Our goal in using this information is to make the site more useful to you so we can make more and better sales (can you believe that we actually admitted that it’s not really “all about the customer”).
*Your contact information will be shared with our manufacturers because they are the one’s shipping your stuff in most cases. The privacy policies of individual manufacturer’s can be accessed from our site through the links to their web sites.
*Before we send your information to someone other than a manufacturer, we’ll ask ourselves, “Is this something we need to do in order to serve the customer’s written or verbal request?” With that answer in mind we’ll ask you what you’d like us to do.
*There may be cases where we think, though not necessary to fill in order, it’s in your best interest to let us share your information – we’ll still ask you.
*We don’t see the long-term benefit of making money sending “qualified” contacts to other vendors or information gathering organizations – so we won’t be doing this kind of thing at all.